Why Daza Insurance IMO

We are an Independent Marketing Organization affiliated with United HealthCare to promote only Medicare products

  • Sales support and training
  • Learn how to prospect like a pro
  • Generate leads like a real pro
  • Free mentoring
  • Community outreach

Why Daza Insurance IMO

We are an Independent Marketing Organization affiliated with United HealthCare to promote only Medicare products

  • Sales support and training
  • Learn how to prospect like a pro
  • Generate leads like a real pro
  • Free mentoring
  • Community outreach

How It Works?

Lets do it!! It takes just a few simple steps.

  • Complete our form
  • Contact us today
  • Let me tell you more

We can set 15 minutes phone interview

Please complete the below form and someone from our office will contact you as soon as possible.
Please complete the below form and someone from our office will contact you as soon as possible.

©2025 Daza Insurance, LLC

7248 N. Dalemabry Hwy

Established in 2006 - NPN 9393960